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Showing posts with the label Science

The first animal you see would determine your personality

Our minds play tricks on us all the time and they see things the way we want them to see it. The image you see first, therefore, says a lot about who you are based on your choice. by Team DailyNet May 11, 2018 Our personalities are quite complex and there are multiple traits which come into play to create the personality which we reflect. Our personalities have multiple sides and there are numerous dimensions of our personality which come together in a cumulative way to describe our overall attitude. Image Source: Pixabay That being said, we do have some primary traits which form the backbone of our personalities. While we add different dimensions to our thoughts with our experience and knowledge, the central qualities which define u...

'Luxury space hotel' set to launch in 2021 - a 12-night stay will only cost you £6.8 million

Orion Span A US-based start-up company has an ambitious plan to launch a luxury hotel into low-Earth orbit. The "Aurora Station" will give space tourists an amazing view of planet of Earth and is supposed to be an "affordable" way for citizens to enjoy space. Of course, with a twelve night stay aboard starting at around $9.5 million (£6.8 million) we'd take issue with the affordable part. Orion Space "We are launching the first-ever affordable luxury space hotel," said Frank Bunger, the CEO and founder of Orion Span - the start-up behind the idea. Speaking at the Space 2.0 Summit in San Jose, California, Bunger explained that the company was building the hotel itself and that, when finished, it'll be about the size of a large private jet. Interestingly, some of the engineers who are working on the project also helped to design and operate the modular International Space Station (ISS) currently orbiting our planet. And it's also worth r...

The Crystals That May Have Helped Vikings Navigate Northern Seas

When the Vikings left the familiar fjords of Norway for icy, uncharted territories, they were at the mercy of weather. They had no magnetic compasses, and no way to ward off stretches of heavy clouds or fog that made it difficult to navigate by sun. How the explorers traversed open ocean during these times is a mystery that has long captivated scholars. Norse sagas refer to a sólarstein or “sunstone” that had special properties when held to the sky. In 1967, a Danish archaeologist named Thorkild Ramskou suggested these were crystals that revealed distinct patterns of light in the sky, caused by polarization, which exist even in overcast weather or when the sun dips below the horizon. Multiple translucent crystals fit the bill, namely calcite, cordierite and tourmaline. None have ever been found at Viking archaeological sites, but a calcite crystal was discovered in the wreck of a British warship from the 1500s, indicating it might have been a tool known to advanced ocean navigators....